Utility Adapted Tree Research Project
This partnership project with the USDA, National Arboretum is for the development of tree species which are short at maturity that will allow for planting in both urban and under power line applications.
This partnership project with the USDA, National Arboretum is for the development of tree species which are short at maturity that will allow for planting in both urban and under power line applications.
This partnership project with private landowners, Garrett Soil Conservation District, Bureau of Mines, the Office of Surface Mining and others was to build an acid mine drainage treatment system on Aaron Run in Garrett County. The overall goal is to … Continued
The Western Maryland RC&D has developed a long term partnership with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Power Plant Research Program to assist with the research for finding environmentally acceptable and beneficial uses of solid coal combustion by-products (CCBs). The … Continued
The RC&D has entered into a Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program (WHIP) contract with the USDA, Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) for fish passage and stream habitat improvement on Little Falls Creek within the Gunpowder-Patapsco Watershed. The project is to partially … Continued
The purpose of the proposed project is to conduct research on the effectiveness of atmospheric fluid bed ash as an agent for stabilizing mercury in acid mine drainage sediment. CCB mix designs with the use of various additives will be … Continued
Laura J. Michael1, Erica B. Breighner2 1Western Maryland Resource Conservation & Development Council, Inc., Tawes Hall, Room 313, Frostburg State University, 101 Braddock Road, Frostburg, MD 21532; 2 Frostburg State University, Western Maryland Regional GIS Center, Department of Geography, 101 … Continued