Hoyes Run Stream Sealing Project

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Hoyes Run is a small meandering stream located near the town of McHenry in Garrett County, Maryland.  The Maryland DNR biologists have noted a significant loss of flow along the stretch of the stream adjacent to an active, deep pit … Continued

Meat Producer’s Cooperative

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The possibility of establishing a local (Sharpsburg, MD) cooperative meat processor’s group to share the cost of convenient cold storage and to develop a cut and wrap facility that will allow farms to develop and expand locally grown meat products … Continued

US Fish and Wildlife Service Projects

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The RC&D has developed cooperative agreements with the US Fish and Wildlife Service for the a wide variety of conservation related partnership projects including stream modeling, stream habitat restoration, conservation planning, and environmental education services. Projects completed to date include … Continued

Hoyes Run Benthic Study

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A partnership between Maryland Power Plant Research Program, Garrett College and Appalachian Labs for completing a benthic study to investigate macroinvertebrate utilization of coal combustion byproduct (CCB) grout substrates in the Hoyes Run waterway. This project is in progress and … Continued

Down Hole Remote Camera Project

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The Office of Surface Mine’s (OSM) Appalachian Regional Office assisted the Western Maryland RC&D with the monitoring of mine tunnels and shafts in the Kempton Mine Complex.  The OSM’s remote digital video camera allowed for the production of a digital … Continued

Crellin Doser on Laurel Run

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The RC&D has partnered with West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection and the MDE, Bureau of Mines for the construction and installation of a lime doser to treat acid mine drainage on Laurel Run. The project is complete; the lime … Continued

Beaver Creek Stream Stabilization

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This recently completed partnership project with the Beaver Creek Watershed Association improved water quality and wildlife habitat that sustains a wild trout fishery, including additional spawning habitat for wild brown trout and rainbow trout.  This WHIP project will also help … Continued