In 2021, Western Maryland RC&D Council utilized a $494,000 grant from the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund to restore 1,250 linear feet of degraded stream channel on Beaver Dam Creek at a site located on private property in Frederick County within the Double Pipe Creek Watershed. Frederick County Government contributed matching funds to complete the design phase of this project and Frederick County staff have worked hand-in hand with WMRC&D as critical partners through the entirety of the project. The restoration is located within a historically heavy agricultural land use area that did not previously incorporate stream buffer protections. To further enhance the project, grant funds were used to plant 2.71 acres of riparian buffer, to reforest 3.54 acres of bordering agricultural field, and to enhance a 1.25-acre wetland, which lies directly adjacent to the stream restoration project and had which had previously been kept as a crop field. The project is a successful continuation of a previous stream restoration project which restored 1,450 linear feet of stream in 2015. WMRC&D Council’s stream and wetland restoration projects were completed in December 2021, resulting in 2,700 total linear feet of uninterrupted restored stream.