Beaver Creek Stream Stabilization

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This recently completed partnership project with the Beaver Creek Watershed Association improved water quality and wildlife habitat that sustains a wild trout fishery, including additional spawning habitat for wild brown trout and rainbow trout.  This WHIP project will also help to decrease sedimentation by increasing the sediment-carrying capacity of the stream.  Restoration of the riparian buffer will decrease nutrient delivery to the stream system and eventually to the Chesapeake Bay.  This project is for the restoration of approximately 533-linear feet (.4 acre) of Beaver Creek on private property.  The size extent of the project area was 1.23 acres.  Project clearing, construction, and grading focused on adjusting the channel dimension and profile by installing 4 rock and log cross-vanes and 3 rock/log “J” hooks to permanently adjust the channel width and to stabilize the banks with bioengineering and native vegetation. 

See Photos from the project here